The Metropolitan Doulas Blog

Our team of DC postpartum doulas is here to provide you with helpful tips for finding your ideal postpartum team and caring for your newborn baby here in the DC, Maryland and Northern Virginia.

New parents can use postpartum doula support when breastfeeding or pumping.

The Role of Postpartum Doulas in Lactation Support

Many new parents find lactation – the body process that produces and secretes milk – complex and sometimes mystifying. Breastfeeding (the act of feeding a baby at the breast and also called chestfeeding or bodyfeeding) can leave parents feeling surprised, joyful, unhappy, and/or exhausted.  While many parents choose to breastfeed  their babies and have no…

hire a postpartum doula DC

Finding Your Postpartum Doula Match

Bringing a new life into the world is a magical and challenging experience. Postpartum doulas can be your partner in navigating many of those magical moments and their challenges. As a doula myself, I’ve had the privilege of supporting countless families during this tender time. Today, let’s explore the diverse world of postpartum doulas, and…

winter with your baby in DC

Winter with Your Baby

As the colder months approach, we face chilly temperatures, increased risk of sickness, and less daylight hours – all of which can make the postpartum period harder than it already is for many parents. You might be unsure of how to entertain yourself and your baby in a healthy way, but there’s plenty of safe…

disability doula can support the postpartum journey for you

Doulas for Disabilities

Have you noticed how everyone talks about pregnancy and birth, but less so about what happens after you have your baby? Adjusting to the “fourth trimester” is difficult for everyone involved, and families are often encouraged to keep the messiness of their experience under lock and key. I’ve noticed that people are especially silent when…

New dad holding wifes' pregnant belly on fathers day

Father’s Day Gift Guide for Expectant Dads

Father’s Day is just around the corner, and every year a whole new batch of guys have moved out of the Dude Zone and into the Dad Zone and are celebrating this day of recognition for the very first time. However, I think that we should also start to make some extra efforts to include…

top tips for parenting during COVID. Mom holding toddler looking at laptop.

Postpartum Advice to Survive Parenting Older Children During Covid-19

Now that 2020 is halfway gone, I can’t quite believe all that has happened. As a postpartum doula, my job is to support parents, and that has meant something different this year. Many in our community are 100 days into stay-at-home isolation, but – just like with a newborn – you may have found that…

postpartum covid tips in DC

Postpartum in a Pandemic: What to Do When Takeout and Cleaning Services Aren’t an Option

It’s definitely an interesting time to have a baby! Things are slowly starting to open up in the United States, but many people still feel uncomfortable doing many of the things we used to do a few months ago. Add a newborn to the mix, and things can feel downright terrifying.  We often recommend that…

self care with a newborn. Mom holding baby wrapped in blanket.

Self-Care With A Newborn

Living with a newborn can be difficult.  That’s not news. Often when folks are trying to be helpful to new parents, they will offer advice like “Sleep when the baby sleeps” or “Take time for yourself.”  Sometimes those platitudes are helpful, but more often they leave parents at a loss on how to practically add…

A heartfelt postpartum doula review of Metropolitan Doulas. Two young children outdoors in plaid.

“They were here from the very beginning of you, and the very beginning of you and me.”

Written by Client Kate – Silver Spring It was 3 a.m. on our first night home from the hospital when I dialed Metropolitan Doulas, crying and desperate for help. Our daughter, Piper, had been inconsolable for hours. We had tried everything – the (not-yet-recalled) Rock n’ Play, swaddling, white noise, rocking, shushing, bouncing, just holding…

Learn more about the upcoming DMV Perinatal Mental Health Symposium in DC

DMV Perinatal Mental Health Symposium

This month, nine Metropolitan Doulas attended a gathering of professionals who work with pregnant and postpartum women – doctors, nurses, therapists, midwives, doulas, massage therapists, social workers, and beyond.  We met for four hours to talk about perinatal mental health resources in our region and how we can better work together to serve families. Since…

How to get out of the house with a newborn. mom with baby in sling in nature.

Getting Out of the House with Your Newborn

During the first few weeks with a newborn, loading everything up and venturing out for a cup of coffee can seem impossible. What if the baby needs to eat? What if she poops? You’re too sleep-deprived anyway — isn’t it easier to just stay home? There are several benefits to getting out of the house,…

A well-designed postpartum meal plan can make all the difference

Feeding Your Family

Having an infant dramatically changes your daily schedule, and trying to maintain good sleep and eating habits can become very difficult. Your self-care as parents sometimes takes the back burner, but disregarding your needs entirely can affect the health of your whole family. Eating healthy meals and snacks regularly can give you the energy you…

Bottle nipple for paced bottle feeding.

Paced Bottle Feeding

Many of the families we work with use bottles with their infants. It can be used as the primary way to feed the baby, as a supplemental tool, or in transition to both parents returning to work. Though it seems pretty intuitive — insert nipple to baby’s mouth — we do have some tips for…

A well-thought-out postpartum plan for your recovery and care.

Planning Beyond Birth

Predicting how we will experience and endure birth and postpartum is near impossible, but planning for both is. The power of a (birth) plan If you are an expecting parent, it is likely you have a birth-plan – a careful piece of research on the setting and support you want during your labor and birth.…

Navigating postpartum recovery. Parent holding baby's feet in their hands.

What to *Really* Expect When You Are… Postpartum

It takes a village. As doulas, we say this a lot and, as postpartum parents, we seldom hear it enough. Loud and clear are social expectations for our recovery from birth and our adjustment to life with a newborn. From how we should look in our new skins to ways we must love the babe(s)…

Tips on nursery room essentials to help parents prepare the perfect space

Setting up the Nursery

Questions to Ask Yourself A baby’s nursery can become the heart of a new family’s home, especially for a baby’s first year. Because of this significance we’ve decided to give some tips to help parents prepare the nursery as best they can. When planning the baby nursery, it’s important for families to bear these three…

Mom holding infants hand

Post-Birth OB Visit and What to Expect

Importance of Mother’s Health In the first weeks after birth, families see the pediatrician several times for healthy full-term babies.  However, the mother’s post-birth health and healing is also important to monitor, but visits to the mother’s caregiver can get delayed or put off.  All mothers need to see a caregiver at least once in…

Tips on feeding your baby solids. Baby trying to put wooden block in his mouth.

Feeding Your Baby, Part 1 – Solids

Feeding Routine It is a cruel irony that about the time parents feel most comfortable with their infant feeding routine, it is time to consider introducing solids. Whether breastfeeding, bottlefeeding, or a combination, your infant will show interest in “real” food before you are likely ready to start offering solid food.  Beginning at just a…

Discover ideas on what to feed a toddler to keep meals balanced and enjoyable

Feeding Your Toddler (Part 2)

Toddlerhood Congratulations, you’ve made it to toddlerhood!  Feeding your toddler is a different experience, as they learn to feed themselves and develop stronger opinions about what they want to eat. After her first birthday, there are no restrictions on what you can offer your baby.  All foods are on the table…and soon to be on…

Best summer baby tips for a safe and enjoyable season. Mom & baby standing at ocean shore.

Enjoying Summer With Your Baby

As the temperature rises, you may be looking for tips about where to take your child in the summer. There’s plenty of sun, heat, bugs, and water, so how can you work around it and have fun?  Here are our best tips and tricks for tackling this season with your baby/toddler. SUN SAFETY Infants are…

Teething baby in black and white photo

All About Teething

Many new parents wait nervously for their baby to begin teething.  Will it be painful?  Will it take a long time?  When should we expect it?  How can we help with our baby’s discomfort?  Here are some practical answers for parents seeking guidance: ​Dealing with drool ​Around three months, baby salivary glands begin producing more…

Washington Post Metropolitan Doulas feature

Metropolitan Doulas featured in the Washington Post!

We here at Metropolitan Doulas are very excited to be featured in the parenting section of the Washington Post on Wednesday August 9th, 2018. “There were many things about being a new mom that Courtney Lee-Ashley didn’t know: How often she’d need to pump. How hard infant poop stains would be to get out. How…

Valuable babywearing tips and the benefits of using carriers or wraps. Mom holding baby in ergo baby carrier

A look at babywearing…

This month we decided to have a conversation with Laci, an incredible postpartum doula and Certified Babywearing Educator. Laci talks with us about some of the benefits of using carriers or wraps with your baby. How did you get interested in babywearing? ​ L: I became interested in babywearing while I was pregnant with my son.  My husband…

Useful car seat tips with baby in car seat using pacifier

A Conversation With A Car Seat Expert

This month we wanted to hear more from our Child Passenger Safety Technician, Beverley, about how she got interested in car seat safety and what the journey to becoming a CPST was like. How did you become interested in car seat safety? The rules seemed to change frequently.  The car seat designs kept changing,  too. …

How postpartum sleep deprivation affects physical and mental health

Sleep and its Impact Postpartum

“Sleep Before the Baby Comes!” This month we are focusing on the importance of quality sleep for the family in the postpartum period. Julie Bindeman, Psy-D, Co-Director of Integrative Therapy of Washington sheds light on how sleep deprivation affects the body and mind, and how to utilize support to increase the quantity and quality of sleep. Integrative…

Doula support for parents with disabilities. Doula with baby sitting outside

Preparing for Parenthood if You Have a Disability

Caring for a needy newborn? Keeping up with a busy baby? These tasks can be a obstacle for an experienced caregiver, but can seem almost impossible for a new parent. If you have a disability, preparing for parenthood can be even more challenging. More than four million Americans are parents of kids under the age of 18…